Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blog Stage 6:Commentary

In my classmates blog United States Government News Carolina Vazquez discusses the topic of poverty in the united states. In this blog she states that those whom are in poverty have significant set backs in civil rights compared to "rich" people. She specifically talks about issues with the court system stating "Focusing on poverty and criminal justice, it is clear that the poor are the ones who suffer the most because they cannot afford to pay high court fees and other charges such as getting an expensive lawyer to defend them in a fair trial." When talking about these problems she uses several techniques that make this a well written article such as cause and effect as well as quoting the work she is writing the blog about. Due to this she has persuaded me to agree with her discussion. I think that poor people do not have the same fairness when it comes to trials as rich people do based on not having the same type of lawyers provided to them. I also agree that those born in poverty have a harder time becoming economically stable due to the lack of resources provided to them.
    In conclusion due to the authors credibility i would have to agree with her standpoint when it comes to poverty and the lack of rights the people in poverty face. I would also say this is a well written article due to the techniques used such as diction, cause and effect, and the amount of proof given.

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