Thursday, March 20, 2014

NSA the government goes against our founding beliefes

Everyone has their own opinions about the US national government some people love the controlled power but others like me are not so found of it based on it contradicting many of the beliefs of our founding fathers. We left England because we the people did not have enough power while the center of the government (the king) had way to much of it. Due to this we were treated unfairly to say the least. Well from what i've been seeing recently it seems that we could slowly be headed in that direction again. The part of government that i would have to disagree with the most is the NSA being able to access all of our information through technology. They claim it is to help us but if that is so why have the crime rates remained approximately the same since this bill was passed? It hasn't really helped at all! that being said any terrorist that wants to harm us is going to find a way with or without technology. I believe that instead of them watching us like spys they should use that money being spent on hiring more security at high risk events. For example the Virginia Tech shooting he harmed as well as killed many children and people without using any technology but if their was more security it is possible that that shooting would not have escalated to the level that it did. I think that them watching all of us citizens including those whom have never been convicted of a crime is against our right of privacy as citizens of the united states. It also goes against everything we were against when leaving England for example how they were allowed to invade and intrude the homes of people back then. how do i know that the government isn't looking into my home through my laptop camera? We don't we have no idea what they're looking at, who they are looking and why they are looking at them. In conclusion i believe that we should amend this bill and use that money to actually help people as well as stop future events from occurring. I don't believe in this because it goes against everything America once stood for, but if it must stay we should know why they are watching us if we are under surveillance and only be allowed to watch those who are previously convicted of a crime.

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