Monday, February 10, 2014

"Senate Fails to Pass Three-Month Extension of Jobless Aid"

On February 6,2014 The New York Times posted an article regarding the senate failing to pass a three month extension to jobless aid. Obama wanted to extend the assistance given to people with long-term unemployment, but it failed to pass due to one republican vote. Due to this Obama is trying to urge the congress that this is needed in order for the lives of those who are unemployed due to the economy to continue as they should. I disagree with president Obama. I believe that we as a country were founded on hard work ethic and equality. Each of us is given the opportunity to do great things form the day we are born and if we chose not to it's our own fault. I believe that as a society we already give the unemployed enough financial assistance and for a long enough time for them to get a job whether you have to be a janitor or you work in a corporate office. If you're desperate enough you'll work those less than perfect jobs. Those who chose not to take advantage of the assistance we give them and avidly look for a job don't deserve an extension of anything. On an other note our economy is bad enough as it is adding six billion dollar cost to it won't do anything but bring us down that much more. Lastly who's to say that after we agree to the extension that those people who collect unemployment will want another 3 month extension. Overall I completely disagree with the idea of extending our unemployment assistance due to the cost, and moral of it.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with you !!! The government does allot more then they should for the unemployed. Why would they honestly try and go get a job if the government pays their bills. I believe that if they had some type of injury that did not allow them to work or a serious medical injury then the government should be helping them because those people are really in need of it. Most of the people in unemployment are just taking advantage of the government and are using it for unnecessary things.
