Friday, February 21, 2014

New York Rethinks Solitary Confinment Critique

In The article New York Rethinks Solitary confinement I believe the author does a great job in their editorial. It seems to me the author is trying to appeal to all Americans and inform them about what goes on inside our prison system. In this aspect the author does a very well job due to the fact that they give several statics from credible recourses. These statics help someone that is not informed about the prison system some insight so that they can understand from a mathematical stand point the problems they are facing as well as why new York is facing some of these problems. This author claims that the New Guidelines New York are applying are "more humane " than they were before. This is due to the fact that juveniles under 18 will be let out of solitary confinement for at least 5 hours of exercise a week, as well as women whom are pregnant being prohibited from solitary confinement and lastly those who are mentally ill can not be left in solitary confinement for more than 30 days.
       The author agreed and had a firm belief in these acts being put into place based on facts. On of which was "A study published Feb. 12 in The American Journal of Public Health found that New York City jail inmates placed in solitary confinement were nearly seven times as likely to harm themselves as those in the general population." as well as several other statics stating the number of inmates that were in solitary confinement and including those whom have been in solitary confinement for more than a year. I believe this essay is very logical and has many very good claims due to the fact it is not solely based on how she feels but agreeing to a reform that has already been passed due to facts the author knows are for certain.
      I would have to agree with the author due to the fact that if someone was mentally  unstable and being put in a room with no windows for over 23 hours its most likely they would go more crazy and/or hurt themselves. I also agree that it would be inhumane to put a pregnant woman in a room for over 23 hours with no exercise our outside recourses to help through the pregnancy. All in all I agree with everything completely and have come to the conclusion that this is a very well written and informative argument.

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